Neighborhood Map (Rome)
Interactive neighborhood map in Rome with travel sites theme.
Google Map and Twitter APIs | JavaScript, jQuery, Knockout, Node.js, JSON | HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Interactive neighborhood map in Rome with travel sites theme.
Google Map and Twitter APIs | JavaScript, jQuery, Knockout, Node.js, JSON | HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Mobile responsive website with beer theme, login, persisted data, and CRUD operations.
Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy | SQL | REST API (GitHub) OAuth | HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Ubuntu server configured to host this website and linked coding projects.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Nginx | WSGI | SSH Key Authentication
Backend, and beautified front end of a website for movies, and their trailers.
Python | HTML
Reporting tool that queries and summarizes data from a large pre-existing database.
SQL | Python | HTML
Mobile responsive website to act as a landing page for projects hosted on server.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap